AMINA de Monlau, PA Female Chestnut 2009
Monsieur al Maury x Okapi Domenjoi by Tidjani

Amina de Monlau
OSAKA Domenjoi, PA Female Chestnut 2002
Akbar x Vanda de Domenjoi by Cheri Bibi

KAESCENCE, PA Female Grey 2013
Kaerele de Ghazal x Incandescence by Tidjani

Kaescence Sire: Kaerele de Ghazal: (Kesberoy x Kay du Cassou), Arabian Bay born in 2000, besides been a worthy representative of Kesberoy bloodline, was winner in flat races in France (in 2004), he has obtained also good results in Endurance with a 3rd place in CEI**120km Montechiarugolo – Italy in 2010, before has been started at the reproduction career. Kaerele de Ghazal has very important pedigree, he is full brother of Kaoe de Ghazal, first Dam of Kiss de Ghazal, an horse that doesn't need presentations: the best Arabian filly racing horse of 2011. Kaerele de Ghazal produced a lot of good Endurance Horses:
Please check on Yamama app:
- Inkanto - Full brother of KAESCENCE,
- Jaffar Assam,
- Myfairlady dei Laghi
- Amarige dei Laghi
- Fedro dei Laghi
- Fauno
- Nausikaa dei Laghi,
- Kalb al Akrab
- Alizarina by Lusy
and many others all placed or winner in FEI competition.
Kaescence Mare Incandescence: (Tidjani x Tajhiane), bred by Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, is direct daughter of Tidjani, one of the best French stallion ever, well-known for the quality of his progeny especially in his female-line, as in flat races than in endurance competitions. Incandescence has unraced in flat and after been imported in Italy has been introduced to the endurance career with optimum results
She has been:
-Placed 3rd and Best Condition at 120km Nervesa d/B ITA, May2009.
-Placed 6th and Best Condition at 160km Kreuth GER, Aug2009.
Incandescence is full sister of:
Tahini (Tidjani x Tajhiane) sold to UAE.
-Placed 1st at 130km Saint Galmier, average 20,05 kmh, year 2005.
-Placed 6th at 160km Monpazier, average 13,96 kmh, year 2006.
-Placed 4th at 120km Dubai, average 24,75 kmh, year 2007 with Maria Alvarez Ponton.
Incandescence 1st Dam, Tajhiane, was winner in endurance CEI**120km category, and she has in her Russian-line, Kankan, father of the most famous French endurance horse Persik and present in the pedigree of important flat racehorses like Prizrak, Drug and Matador.
KAESCENCE is full sister of INKANTO.
She already produced:
KAPPUCCINO Male born in 2020 (Nizam) sold to Sweden – Winner in Flat Racing in Sweden in 2024.
KAILA Female born in 2018 (Majid Al Arab) qualified for 80km.
KAJID Gelding born in 2017 (Majid Al Arab) qualified for CEI*100km.

INCANDESCENCE, PA Female Grey 1997
Tidjani x Tajhiane by Nadejni
Bred by H.H.Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, is direct daughter of Tidjani, one of the best French stallion ever, well-known for the quality of his progeny especially in his female-line, as in flat races than in endurance competitions. Incandescence has unraced and after been imported in Italy has been introduced to the endurance career with optimum results
She has been:
- Placed 3rd and Best Condition at CEI**120km
Nervesa d/B ITA, May2009.
- Placed 6th and Best Condition at CEI***160km
Kreuth GER, Aug2009.
Incandescence is
full sister of :
Tahini (Tidjani x Tajhiane)
sold to UAE.
- Placed 1st at 130km Saint Galmier,
average 20,05 kmh, year 2005.
- Placed 6th at 160km Monpazier, average
13,96 kmh, year 2006.
- Placed 4th at 120km Dubai, average 24,75
kmh, year 2007 with Maria Alvarez Ponton.
Incandescence 1st Dam, Tajhiane, was winner in endurance CEI**120km category, and she has in her Russian-line,Kankan, father of the most famous French endurance horse Persik and present in the pedigree of important flat racehorses like Prizrak, Drug and Matador.
ALTA GRACIA, PA Female Grey 2002
Ismael d'Aubanel x Paeonia by Baroud III

ALTA GRACIA (Ismael d'Aubanel x Paeonia by Baroud III), has been:
- 23rd placed at CEI**120km Uzes, average 16,12 kmh, year 2013.
-10th placed at CEI***160km Dillingen (GER), average 18,63kmh, year 2013 (Best recovery total time: 5 mins and 19 seconds total time on 5 gates – last loop at 21 km/h).
Alta Gracia Sire, Ismael d'Aubanel, is one of the best Arabian French stallion, has also been:
-13th at: World Championship Compiegne (France) year 2000.
- 5th at: European Championship Castiglione del Lago (Italy) year 2001.
He has also produced (all placed in FEI competition):
- Bebabeloula (Ismael d'Aubanel x Penumbra) sold to UAE.
- Indy d'Aurabelle (Ismael d'Aubanel x La Berandiere) sold to UAE.
- Gesper d'Aurabelle (Mutafawiq) (Ismael d'Aubanel x Tina du Bas Miniac) sold to UAE.
- Halte a Tout (Ismael d'Aubanel x Lady Penumbra)
- Azelle de Jalima (Ismael d'Aubanel x Azzra)
- Naelle du Fonpeyrol (Ismael d'Aubanel x Nida)
- Opium Lord (Ismael d'Aubanel x Lady Charriere)
- Nadja de Jalima (Ismael d'Aubanel x Azzra)
- Hazalai (Ismael d'Aubanel x Ouralia)
- Fawzan d'Aurabelle (Ismael d'Aubanel x Tina du Bas Miniac)
And many others.
ALTA GRACIA 1st Dam, Paeonia, is direct daughter of Baroud III, and she has produced important flat arabian race horses like, Magellan (Tidjani x Paeonia) best arabian race horse in USA in 2000.
Her production in endurance is always very prestigious like:
- Tison d'Aubanel (Manganello x Paeonia) sold to Qatar.
- Allende (Ismael d'Aubanel x Luciole Aubanel out of Paeonia).